Conflict Consortium's 2nd Annual Guide to Conflict, Violence, and Peace Programs in Political Science
This is Conflict Consortium’s second annual effort at providing students who want to pursue a PhD at a US department of political science university in the fields of political conflict/violence (e.g., genocide, civil war, human rights, atrocity, terrorism and revolution) and peace (e.g., negotiation, non-violent direct action, social movements and cooperation) with important information to help them evaluate graduate programs. The data at the core of this guide come from a large survey of scholars in research-oriented political science department that we conducted in late October 2017. We sent the survey to all 3,607 faculty members at the 120 institutions listed in the 2017 edition of US News World & Report's Best Political Science Programs ranking. During the two weeks we collected data, 114 participants across 60 institutions participated in the survey (though not everyone completed it). Our hope is that more conflict/peace scholars will participate in future years.
We report the lightly cleaned results of our survey below. When multiple people replied for a department, we aggregated their answers. The results here are also available in a raw text file and in wide- and long-form datasets. We think that prospective graduate students evaluating conflict/peace-programs would do well to review this data.
Christian Davenport (University of Michigan)
We report the lightly cleaned results of our survey below. When multiple people replied for a department, we aggregated their answers. The results here are also available in a raw text file and in wide- and long-form datasets. We think that prospective graduate students evaluating conflict/peace-programs would do well to review this data.
Christian Davenport (University of Michigan)
Survey Results (Departments listed in alphabetical order)
American University
Arizona State University
Baylor University
Binghamton University
Brown University
Columbia University
CUNY Graduate School and University Center
Duke University
Emory University
Florida State University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Indiana University Bloomington
Johns Hopkins University
Kent State University
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University University Park
Purdue University West Lafayette
Rice University
Temple University
Texas A&M University College Station
University at Albany SUNY
University of Arizona
University of California Berkeley
University of California Davis
University of California Irvine
University of Chicago
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Houston
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Maryland College Park
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
University of Missouri
University of Nevada Reno
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Tennessee Knoxville
University of Texas Austin
University of Texas Dallas
University of Washington
Washington University in St. Louis
- US News & World Report Ranking: 56
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 13
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Our Political Science scholars are split between the School of Public Affairs (in which my department, Government, is located), and the School of International Service. The latter is where most of our international relations focus is based, and where the above subjects tend to live.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Joe Young (Yes), Thomas Zeitzoff (Yes), Tricia Bacon (Yes), Adrienne LeBas (Yes), David Malet (Yes), Audrey Kurth Cronin (Yes), Megan Stewart (Yes), Susanna Campbell (Yes), Susan Shepler (Yes), Josh Rovner (Yes), Stephen Tankel (Yes), and Sharon Weiner (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: terrorism, civil war, foreign fighters, nuclear proliferation, child soldiers, borders and conflict, interstate war
- Methods: experiments, quantitative methods, historical, ethnography, qualitative, field research
- Levels of Analysis: System, State, Group, Individual
Arizona State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Programs: / Conflict & Human Rights Working Group, Nationalism and Ethno-Religious Dynamics Working Group, Center on the Future of War, Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict / , conflict and human rights working group
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Siroky (Yes), Henry Thomson (Yes)
- New Datasets: Global Group Relations Datasets: (1) Ethnic Groups and (2) Rebel Groups / Global Irredentism Data, Urban Social Disorder dataset (with PRIO)
- Topics Studied: ethnic conflict; nationalism, urban social disorder, civil war, revolution
- Methods: ethnography; experiments; statistical modeling, regression analysis (various)
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national Individual
Baylor University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None, We host talks by ccasional invited speakers, but nothing systematic of which I'm aware. (But I'm new, so I might not know of it yet.)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Serhiy Kudelia (Yes), Richard Jordan (Yes)
- New Datasets: Dataset of court verdicts in the cases of individuals convicted of insurgency participation in Ukraine,
- Topics Studied: insurgency participation; civilian support for insurgency; types of violence; counterinsurgency strategies; violent protests, game theory and wartime bargaining, strategic thought, literature and war
- Methods: survey based research; dataset analysis; in-depth interviews; qualitative analysis through process tracing., formal methods, qualitative case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Binghamton University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We currently have a speaker series on peacekeeping and civil war, and another on changes in the international system. We have a Center for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, and another on human rights that will be opening in the spring.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Benjamin Fordham (Yes)
- New Datasets: The data I am collecting relate to specific research projects I'm working on. They don't have names and are not really intended to provide generic resources for the community in general, though I will make them available to other scholars.
- Topics Studied: foreign policy, political economy, military spending, use of force, alliances, public opinion
- Methods: quantitative methods; archival research
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Brown University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: NA
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: none really, Watson Institute Security Seminar Series; Costs of War project
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Rose McDermott (Yes), Jeff Colgan (Yes)
- New Datasets: Womanstats data PI / Collecting experimental data on attitudes toward gender inequality around the world, Revolutions and Revolutionary Leaders Database
- Topics Studied: mostly gender related, also general american foreign policy and international security stuff, interstate war; resource curse; intrastate conflict; international order
- Methods: experimental (survey, lab) / qualitative / genetic / hormonal / quantitative large n, large-n statistical analysis; qualitative historical analyses; archival research
- Levels of Analysis: International National Individual
Columbia University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 7
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Concedntration in International Security Policy in the School of International and Public Affairs' M.A. program. Security studies within the Political Science Ph.D. program., NA
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Richard K. Betts (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: u.s. defense policy, regional security issues, intelligence, military strategy,
- Methods: traditional; history and comparative case studies.,
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
CUNY Graduate School and University Center
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: X
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising):
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
Duke University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 7
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 9
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Workshop on Security, Peace and Conflict / Program in American Grand Strategy / Triangle Institute of Security Studies /
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Kyle Beardsley (Yes)
- New Datasets: International Crisis Behavior data project (ongoing updates) /
- Topics Studied: peacekeeping, mediation, gender inequality and the provision of security, transnational conflict, interstate networks
- Methods: regression analysis of cross-national data over time. / spatial econometrics. / community detection within network data. / lab-in-the-field experiments.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Emory University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 24
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics:
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Dan Reiter (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: alliances, military effectiveness, gender and international relations, domestic politics and conflict
- Methods: quantitative/observational, survey experiment, formal theoretical, qualitative empirical
- Levels of Analysis: International National Individual
Florida State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics:
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Inken von Borzyskowski (Yes)
- New Datasets: Global Election Violence Dataset (GEVD), / United Nations Election Assistance Dataset
- Topics Studied: election violence, sanctions, io suspensions
- Methods: large n, survey experiment
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
George Washington University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 13.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Workshop on intra-state conflict / Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, At GW's Elliott School for International Affaris: / Institue for Security and Conflct Studies / Security Policy Studies M.A. program / Security Policy Forum event series / Security and conflict collouia / Security and conflict pre-doc and post-doc programs, Hard to answer because the survey does not define ""conflict-peace programs."" We have a sizeable political violence group and a political violence workshop/speaker series run by Yon Lupu. That may be reconfigured in the next round of curriculum review into a graduate track. Talks ongoing. Charlie Glaser also runs a big security studies workshop, ISCS, at the Elliott School with big faculty and grad attendance.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Evgeny Finkel (Yes), Yonatan Lupu (Yes), Martha Finnemore (Yes)
- New Datasets: Violence in Jerusalem / Long-term impact of conflict
- Topics Studied: genocide, repression, legacies of conflict, israel-palestine, holocaust, repression, mobilized dissent, civil wars, causes of armd conflict, conflict escalation and resolution, gender and conflict, great-power conflict, military intervention, humanitarian intervention, peacekeeping, cybersecurity
- Methods: historical, archival, qualitative, quantitative, cross-national statistics / experimental / machine learning, qualitative, historical, case study and contemporary policy aanalysis, mostly qualitative, interpretive, interviews, archival.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Harvard University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 1
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Annual political violence conference, weekly political violence workshop
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Joshua Kertzer (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: terrorism
- Methods: experimental, quantitative
- Levels of Analysis: National Individual
Indiana University Bloomington
- US News & World Report Ranking: 29
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Contentious Politics Working Group / World Politics Workshop
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Cyanne E. Loyle (Yes)
- New Datasets: Northern Ireland Research Initiative / During-conflict Justice Dataset / Post-conflict Justice Dataset
- Topics Studied: civil war, armed conflict, non-state actors, mass atrocity
- Methods: quantitative, field research
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Johns Hopkins University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 49
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Policy school has programs in Conflict Management and Strategy. There are regular speakers on the topic there.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Sarah Parkinson (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: militant organizations, political violence, civil war, forced migration, humanitarianism, post-war dynamics, national militaries
- Methods: social network theory, interpretive methodologies, ethnography, archival methods, interviewing, discourse analysis
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national Individual
Kent State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We have just developed a new School of Peace and Conflict Studies and are in the progress of considering and developing new programs to expand our presence.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Landon Hancock (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: identity conflict, peacebuilding, transitional justice, zones of peace
- Methods: generally qualitative, including the use of document analysis, interviewing, focus groups and the like. i have taught qualitative methods to both undergrads and graduate students.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Christopher Sullivan (Yes)
- New Datasets: NIRI, Guatemalan National police archive, nypd crime and policing data
- Topics Studied: human rights, political dissent, subnational violence
- Methods: quantitative, difference in differences, matching
- Levels of Analysis: Sub-national
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- US News & World Report Ranking: 9
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 9
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: The MIT Security Studies Program speaker series features conflict/peace-related speakers. / The Poverty, Violence, and Development working group is a workshop for graduate student (and faculty) presentations of work in progress on conflict/peace issues.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Richard Nielsen (Yes)
- New Datasets: Individual level data about Muslim clerics on the Internet and whether they support jihadist violence in their writing. Data are available here:
- Topics Studied: jihadism, terrorism, human rights, civil war
- Methods: automated text analysis (particularly in arabic); statistical methods for causal inference with observational data (matching; etc), time-series cross-sectional regression analysis; participant observation/ethnography
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
New York University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 12
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for multilateral peace and conflict resolution, center for development studies
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (Yes)
- New Datasets: Leader health data
- Topics Studied: political instability, leader deposition, coups, revolutions, foreign aid, war, etc.
- Methods: formal models/game theory, statistical analysis, experiments
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Northern Arizona University
- Departmental Link:
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We have speakers series from time to time (for example we will Spring 18), but we don't always have funds for this. We offer courses on these topics.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Lori Poloni-Staudinger (Yes)
- New Datasets: Dataset on emotional reactions to terrorism / Dataset on women in political positions related to terrorism
- Topics Studied: terrorism, gender and political violence
- Methods: i've done many different types--large n quantitative, content analysis, survey, observation, experimental
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national Individual
Northern Illinois University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None specific to this subject. There is a Center for NGO studies and a Center for Southeast Asian Studies that deal with this subject tangentially.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ches Thurber (Yes)
- New Datasets: Security Force Ethnicity (SFE) dataset: Ethnic composition of state security forces around the world.
- Topics Studied: civil wars, nonviolent resistance movements, civil-military relations
- Methods: - cross-national times series observational quant analysis / - qualitative case studies employing process-tracing and controlled inter-case comparison
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
Ohio State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 15
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: The Mershon Center For International Security Studies and several speaker series in political science.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Elias Assaf (No)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
Pennsylvania State University University Park
- US News & World Report Ranking: 33
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7.2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: The Penn State School of International Affairs hosts 100 events/year, with many on war and peace studies. We conduct multiple whole-school simulations, such as with the Army War College and the Korean Economic Institute. We have a research colloquium, a policy colloquium and a distinguished speaker series (this year former DNI Gen. Clapper, Ambassadors PIckering, DeThomas, Jett, many more., None to my knowledge., Program in Empirical International Relations / Headquarters of the Peace Science Society, COW, PSS, PIER, etc.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Scott Gartner (Yes), Joseph Wright (Yes), Douglas Lemke (Yes), Christopher Zorn (Yes)
- New Datasets: , (a) Autocratic Coups: Leader Reshuflling and Regime Change Coups [In progress] / Codes all coup attempts in dictatorships (1946 to 2015), distinguishing between Leader Reshuflling and Regime Change Coups: code book, data set, and case narratives for over 700 potential coup events in dictatorships. / / (b) Leadership Security Ties [In progress] / Monthly data identifies (a) military and security organizations in all autocracies from 1990 to 2015; (b) the leaders of these organizations; and (c) familial and ethnic ties between security leaders and autocratic regime leaders / , De facto states across the developing world,
- Topics Studied: war and domestic politics, war and opinion, strategy, strategic decision making, conflict mediation, torture, coups, state-led violence, anti-government protest, dictatorships, interstate conflict, intrastate conflict, state making, violent conflict, refugees, political voilence
- Methods: experiments, statistics, surveys, math modeling (game theory), qualitative, cross-national quantitiative, qualitative case study, statistical analyses, large-n quantitative analyses
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Purdue University West Lafayette
- US News & World Report Ranking: 61
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We have an undergraduate human rights studies program and that may expand to a graduate certificat in human rights. There is also a focus among the international relations group within political science on human security, terrorism, human rights-related topics. Several faculty are specifically interested in peace studies and/or studies of conflict.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ann Marie Clark (Yes)
- New Datasets: human rights appeals
- Topics Studied: human rights advocacy
- Methods: qualitative case study and statistical techniques
- Levels of Analysis: International National Individual
Rice University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 33
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We have a weekly IR workshop that primarily focuses on conflict and cooperation., Weekly brown bag for IR faculty & graduate students / Every few years a faculty member sponsors a conference / The department has a speaker series; several of the speakers each year are IR; frequently these folks do conflict/peace related topics.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ashley Leeds (Yes), Sara Polo (Yes), Richard Stoll (Yes)
- New Datasets: , Working on a database of Tweets from the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong during the fall of 2014.
- Topics Studied: , public opinion on foreign and defense policy, arms races [note: i assume you meant current research]
- Methods: , multivariate statistical analysis / computer simulation / note: following actually done by graduate student ra from computer science / machine learning / twitter bot monitor / twitter api /
- Levels of Analysis: International National Individual
Temple University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 1.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Occasionally relevant speakers in our CP and IR speaker series, each of which meets monthly.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Hillel Soifer (Yes), Jane Vaynman (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: military organization, military sociology, coup proofing, post-conflict politics
- Methods: subnational quantitative analysis, network analysis, extensive archival research (both qualitative and quantitative data)
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national Individual
Texas A&M University College Station
- US News & World Report Ranking: 24
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Speaker series: Political Economy & Political Violence (PEPV)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Scott Cook (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: civil conflict, repression, terrorism
- Methods: quantitative methods: spatial econometrics, measurement-error models, maximum likelihood estimation
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national
University at Albany SUNY
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: we do not do any of these things currently.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Victor Asal (Yes)
- New Datasets: I am collecting data on Violent nonstate actors both terrorist and insurgent - the big allied and dangerous II dataset. / / I also am collecting data on the treatment of LGBTQ communities and how they are treated by governments
- Topics Studied: i study the behavior of nonstate actors and thier use of violence another strategies as well as treatment of minorities
- Methods: data collection and quantitative analysis of said data using multivariate quantitative analysis.
- Levels of Analysis: International Sub-national
University of Arizona
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Reading group on conflict, insurgency, and terrorism. / / Workshop on conflict, aid, and refugees., Defense & Security Research Institute (""leverages the University of Arizona’s research strengths to create economic alliances with Arizona and the nation’s defense and security industries"")
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Alex Braithwaite (Yes), Jessica Maves Braithwaite (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on refugee flows between subnational units across national boundaries., Foundations of Rebel Group Emergence (FORGE): looking at the organizational origins and founding characteristics of rebel groups around the world, 1946-2012. ( With Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, UMD. Should be complete at the end of 2017 or early 2018) / / Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns (ARC): organization- and network-level datasets examining characteristics and actions of social organizations mobilizing in support of violent and nonviolent anti-government campaigns around the world. (With Charles Butcher, NTNU. Initial stages beginning summer 2017.)
- Topics Studied: interstate disputes, civil conflict, nonviolence, terrorism, refugees., civil wars, human rights, nonviolent conflict, civilian victimization, conflict termination
- Methods: large-n regression analyses. / spatial models and gis., quantitative large-n, soon some social network analysis and formal modeling
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of California Berkeley
- US News & World Report Ranking: 4
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Related speakers are invited through a variety of colloquia, including the International Relations group with funding from the Institute of International Studies (; research projects are housed at a variety of centers, including the Program on Security Institutions and Violent Instability at the Center on the Politics of Development (
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Aila Matanock (Yes)
- New Datasets: Security institutions data (with Leo Arriola and Michaela Mattes and a research team); Consent-based intervention data (with a research team)
- Topics Studied: international intervention, peacekeeping, statebuilding, civil conflict, peace agreements, post-conflict elections, conflicted elections
- Methods: cross-national data analysis, qualitative case studies, survey experiments, field experiments (civic education)
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of California Davis
- US News & World Report Ranking: 17
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: none
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising):
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of California Irvine
- US News & World Report Ranking: 45
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, Ethics Center
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Kristen Monroe (Yes)
- New Datasets: We have archived data sets consisting of in-depth interviews (conducted over several years in some instances) on (1) people who rescued Jews during the Holocaust, (2) people who survived war and discuss what helped them keep their humanity, (3) refugees from various wars and genocides. All data sets are available to the public and to scholars, free of charge, at
- Topics Studied: genocide, war, ptsd, recovering from wars, refugees
- Methods: surveys and interpretive interviews
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Chicago
- US News & World Report Ranking: 12
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Program on Political Violence, Program on International Security Policy, Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, Chicago Project on Security and Threats
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Paul Staniland (Yes)
- New Datasets: - Armed Orders in South Asia dataset - qualitative case studies and quantitative codings of state-armed group dyads in South Asia since 1947 / - Pakistan Corps Commanders dataset (with Dann Naseemullah and Ahsan Butt) - qualitative biographical case studies and quantitative data on 183 corps commanders of Pakistan Army since 1971, focused on personal background, promotion pathways, and post-retirement activities / - Indian Security Force Fatalities dataset (with Drew Stommes) - Ministry of Home Affairs and state police fatalities based on released government documents/websites / - Sri Lanka's Revolutionary Wars (with Wenyan Deng) - new qualitative and quantitative data on the 1971 and 1987-1990 JVP revolts in Sri Lanka
- Topics Studied: civil wars, electoral violence, international security, political violence
- Methods: primarily qualitative but increasingly mixing quantitative and qualitative.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
University of Cincinnati
- US News & World Report Ranking: 96
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: ad hoc lectures in international relations
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising):
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of Colorado Boulder
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Security Studies Speaker Series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Jaroslav Tir (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: territory, water, diversion, rally, conflict prevention, conflict management, gender and conflict, environment
- Methods: mostly stats, backed up with some case study information.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Connecticut
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Human Rights Institute
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Evan Perkoski (Yes)
- New Datasets: Militants' lineages; militant group connections (cooperation and conflict)
- Topics Studied: militant groups, terrorism, insurgency, civil war, nonviolent resistance, mass killings
- Methods: quantitative, large-n, case studies, mixed methods
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
University of Delaware
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: ""Conflict Resolution Program, "" School of Public Policy /
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Matthew Weinert (No)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: human rights, genocide, international criminal law, united nations
- Methods: qualitative research (including phenomenological approaches, case studies, historiography
- Levels of Analysis: International Individual
University of Georgia
- US News & World Report Ranking: 45
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS)
- Center for International Trade & Security (CITS)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Andy Owsiak (Yes), K. Chad Clay (Yes), ()
New Datasets: Conflict management data. New project will consider cm within MIDs., Human Rights Data, including data for the following projects: Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI); Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project (SNARP); Worker's Rights in Law & Practice (WorkR) Data Project - Topics Studied: interstate war, conflict management, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, adjudication, rivalry, territorial conflict , human rights, repression, dissent, protest, civil conflict
- Methods: quantitative, learning qualitative for mixed methods , i primarily use quantitative approaches utilizing cross-national or survey data. most of my work uses observational data, although i am currently increasing my use of experimental data through survey experiments. further, our department has several faculty members that utilize other quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches, including in research on peace/conflict.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual,
University of Houston
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: I don't know of any.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Tyson Chatagnier (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of Illinois Chicago
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 1.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Speaker series featuring non-American diplomats in the US
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Katharine M. Floros (No), Andreas Feldmann (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on civil war negotiations, including outside mediators, content of negotiations and agreements, and whether either party walked out at any stage of negotiations. We are also collecting information about third-party intervention.
- Topics Studied: civil war
- Methods: large-n statistical analysis featuring selection models
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- US News & World Report Ranking: 24
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None that are specific to peace studies. The general, department-wide speaker series often has speakers for these topics, though.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Stephen Chaudoin (Yes)
- New Datasets: I'm collecting data on every event related to human rights campaigns like the one surrounding the Philippine war on drugs. I'm also collecting every tweet about the International Criminal Court, Duterte/war on drugs
- Topics Studied: internaitonal organizations; human rights
- Methods: formal models - i tend to write models where international institutions can transmit information, trigger contestation between groups. quantitative methods - my research here focuses on panel data techniques and sensitivity testing approaches for dealing withe endogeneity. experimental methods - i've used survey experimental and lab experimental approaches.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Iowa
- US News & World Report Ranking: 37
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Internal speaker series/workshop with faculty and graduate students, Journeys in World Politics
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Brian Lai (Yes), Sara Mitchell (Yes)
- New Datasets: Database of individuals indicted on terrorism charges in the US, Issue Correlates of War data on interstate (ethnic) identity claims / Compiling data on dams, water scarcity, migration, and political violence at the intrastate level
- Topics Studied: alliances, terrorism, regime type and conflict, and counter-terrorism policies, war, militarized disputes, conflict management, territory, maritime, river, & identity issues, international courts, international organizations
- Methods: quantitative methods primarily and some qualitative approaches, mostly statistical analyses of pooled time series datasets; some short case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Kansas
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for Peace Studies (University); the Department has developed a UG minor in Global Security and holds at least one conference/workshop per year on conflict/security.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Don Haider-Markel (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: political extremism and terrorism
- Methods: mixed methods but rely on quantitative methods as primary approach
- Levels of Analysis: Sub-national Individual
University of Maryland College Park
- US News & World Report Ranking: 29
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for International Development & Conflict Management, START Center, Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, Bahai Chair for World Peace, CIDCM has a joint series with IR in the dept. Kathleen Cunningham runs a conflict reading group.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David E Cunningham (Yes), Kathleen Cunningahm (Yes)
- New Datasets: Governmental Incompatibilities Data Project / Data on Conflict Prevention Efforts in Governmental & Territorial Disputes / Matching Event Data by Location, Time & Type,
- Topics Studied: civil war, conflict prevention, international intervention, conflict management, political violence, civil war, non-violence
- Methods: quantitative & qualitative, large-n statistical analysis (logit, linear probabilty models, multinomial logit), experiments (mturk), case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
- US News & World Report Ranking: 4
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: CPRD
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Mark Dincecco (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- US News & World Report Ranking: 24
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Dept IR speaker series (general IR) / Extensive human rights programs across the university, Various centers and speaker series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Tanisha Fazal (Yes)
- New Datasets: C-WIT (Civil War Initiation and Termination) adds dozens of new variables on conflict initiation, conduct, and termination to the Correlates of War list of civil wars. It covers from 1816-2007.
- Topics Studied: civil wars; war termination; war initiation; international humanitarian law; military medicine,
- Methods: quantitative analysis; case studies; content analysis; interviews; archives,
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Missouri
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: ISA Midwest, We invite speakers of various topics to the department. There is a peace studies program at the university, but they are interested in propaganda rather than scientific research.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Moises Arce (Yes), Stephen Quackenbush (Yes)
- New Datasets: Event data
- Topics Studied: social movements
- Methods: advanced statistics
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Nevada Reno
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None to my knowledge
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Todd G. Smith (Yes)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied: urban protest and other potential conflict outcomes of climate change
- Methods: cross-national desk studies using publicly available data including scad, acled, and prio usd / household surveys about protest participation
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national Individual
University of New Mexico
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Nothing specific
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Christopher K. Butler (Yes)
- New Datasets: Sexual Violence committed by government security forces
- Topics Studied: sexual violence, microfoundations of conflict
- Methods: game theory / statistical analysis / agent-based simulation models
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- US News & World Report Ranking: 11
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5.3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Nothing organized., IR research seminar, IRBB: A regular workshop that includes internal research as well as external speakers. / / Research Design Workshop / / CURE Peace Science Courses (undergraduate) / Curriculum in Peace, War, and Defense / Undergraduate Minor in Conflict Resolution / / Peace Science Institutional Membership that includes faculty from Political Science and Public Policy.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Navin Bapat (Yes), Stephen Gent (Yes), Mark Crescenzi (Yes)
- New Datasets: Threat and Imposition of Sanctions (TIES), ,
- Topics Studied: terrorism, insurgency, interstate conflict, sanctions, conflict management, military intervention, mediation, reputation, economics and conflict, repression and domestic politics, conflict management, democratic backsliding, conflict environments
- Methods: game theory, large n statistics, case studies , large n, formal theory, case studies, i match the approach(es) to the question. quantitative (multi-level modeling, event history models, mle, spatial models), and qualitative (case studies). / / theory first!
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
University of North Texas
- US News & World Report Ranking: 56
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace science research center / Undergraduate peace studies program, The Castleberry Peace institute. Undergraduate minor in peace studies.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Mason (Yes), Idean salehyan (Yes)
- New Datasets: Land reform and political violence in El Salvador, Social Conflict Analysis Database
- Topics Studied: civil war onset, outcome/duration, post conflict peace duration, patterns of conflict within certain countries, refugees, protest, civil war, social conflict
- Methods: hazard models, competing risk, ols, other mle texhniques as appropriate, mostly qantitiative, occasionally doing case studies.
- Levels of Analysis: National Sub-national
University of Notre Dame
- US News & World Report Ranking: 37
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Research / Conference s / Stuemts, speakers on ethics and international relations; nonviolence, religion, and peace; civil wars and revolution; social movements; feminist theory
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising):
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of Pennsylvania
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: speaker series through the Browne Center for International Politics (speakers split between security and political economy); internal international relations workshop; Perry World House speaker series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising):
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis:
University of Pittsburgh
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Global Politics Seminar Series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): William Spaniel (Yes)
- New Datasets: 𝜈-CLEAR, a nuclear proficiency database
- Topics Studied: war, nuclear proliferation, terrorism
- Methods: formal theory / statistical methodology
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Tennessee Knoxville
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Global Security Research Workshop - involves faculty, graduate students, and post-doc interested in conflict processes, Baker Center for Public Policy with program on global security / Institute for Nuclear Security / Center for the Study of War / Global Security Speaker Series / Ambassador Speaker Series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Krista Wiegand (Yes), Brandon Prins (Yes)
- New Datasets: Issues in Civil Wars (ICW) with Eric Keels / / Identity Claims: Issue Correlates of War (ICOW) with Paul Hensel, Sara Mitchell, and Andy Owsiak, Maritime Piracy Event and Location Data Project / Maritime Pirate Organization Dataset / Pakistani Conflict Event Dataset
- Topics Studied: territorial and maritime disputes, conflict resolution, types of dispute resolution, international law and dispute resolution, mediation in civil wars, leaders and conflict, inter-state war, civil war, political violence, terrorism, non-state actors
- Methods: quantitative data analysis / case study analysis - process tracing, large-n quantitative data using econometrics to estimate correlational relationships
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
University of Texas Austin
- US News & World Report Ranking: 19
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Speaker series, Research programs, Speaker series, workshops and many more
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Alan Kuperman (Yes), Ami Pedahzur (Yes)
- New Datasets: I collect micro level event data on conflicts as well as individual level and network data on combatants.
- Topics Studied: genocide, civil war, r2p, humanitarian intervention, radicalism; terrorism; war
- Methods: comparative qualitative case studies using process tracing., digital humanities; archives; text analysis; quantitative event data; network analysis
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
University of Texas Dallas
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: speaker series on conflict and international relations
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Patrick Larue (No), Paul F. Diehl (Yes)
- New Datasets: ""Peace"" data - coding all state relationships on a peace scale since 1900 / / Peacekeeping data - data on mission performance and success / / Territorial change data - updating the COW collection
- Topics Studied: rivalries, territory, peacekeeping, conflict management
- Methods: statistical
- Levels of Analysis: International National
University of Washington
- US News & World Report Ranking: 33
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: University of Washington International Security Colloquium (UWISC) / Center for Human Rights, UWISC: International Security Colloquium; Center for Human Rights
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Geoffrey Wallace (Yes), Jeffrey Arnold (Yes)
- New Datasets: Violence against journalists / Survey evidence on public attitudes toward repression, Datasets on battles, news, and financial markets during the American Civil War
- Topics Studied: wartime conduct, repression, international law, war dynamics and bargining within war, methodological issues in the study of war
- Methods: quantitative (cross-national) / experimental (surveys) / comparative case studies, natural language processing (topic models, word embeddings, dependency-parsing, name-entity recognition, ...); machine learning and prediction methods; neural networks and deep learning; bayesian statistics (latent-state space models, dynamic models, and many more); all traditional social science models. these days, i am a more a methodologist that has a strong background in the domain of conflict, than vice-versa.
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual
Washington University in St. Louis
- US News & World Report Ranking: 19
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: I run a very small speaker series and will do several conferences.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Carter (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on different types of coup attempts in autocracies; data on secessionist territorial claims; data on historical boundary precedents and their characteristics.
- Topics Studied: territory, territorial disputes, political violence, military coups, civil war, ethnic conflict
- Methods: game theory, statistical modeling
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national
- US News & World Report Ranking: 96
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: (none)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: No
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Hauser (No)
- New Datasets:
- Topics Studied:
- Methods:
- Levels of Analysis: National
- US News & World Report Ranking: 4
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Political Violence FieldLab / Order, Conflict, and Violence (to end April 2018)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Jason Lyall (Yes)
- New Datasets: Project Mars: New crossnational data on battlefield performance, 1800-2011, along with new covariates for a new set of belligerents / Microlevel data in Afghanistan (event data, surveys, experiments)
- Topics Studied: civil war, insurgency, military effectiveness
- Methods: survey experiments / field experiments / crossnational regression / qualitative/archival material / participant observation / natural experiments
- Levels of Analysis: International National Sub-national Individual