Conflict Consortium's 3rd Annual Guide to Conflict, Violence, and Peace Programs in Political Science
This is Conflict Consortium’s third annual effort at providing students who want to pursue a PhD at a US department of political science university in the fields of political conflict/violence (e.g., genocide, civil war, human rights, atrocity, terrorism and revolution) and peace (e.g., negotiation, non-violent direct action, social movements and cooperation) with important information to help them evaluate graduate programs. The data at the core of this guide come from a large survey of scholars in research-oriented political science department that we conducted in early October 2018. We sent the survey to all 3,413 faculty members at the 120 institutions listed in the 2018 edition of US News World & Report's Best Political Science Programs ranking. During the week we collected data, 60 participants across 43 institutions completed the survey. Our hope is that more conflict/peace scholars will participate in future years.
We report the lightly cleaned results of our survey below. When multiple people replied for a department, we aggregated their answers. The results here are also available in a raw text file and in wide- and long-form datasets. We think that prospective graduate students evaluating conflict/peace-programs would do well to review this data.
Christian Davenport (University of Michigan) and Charles Crabtree (University of Michigan)
We report the lightly cleaned results of our survey below. When multiple people replied for a department, we aggregated their answers. The results here are also available in a raw text file and in wide- and long-form datasets. We think that prospective graduate students evaluating conflict/peace-programs would do well to review this data.
Christian Davenport (University of Michigan) and Charles Crabtree (University of Michigan)
Survey Results (Departments listed in alphabetical order)
Arizona State University
Baylor University
Brown University
CUNY Graduate School and University Center
Duke University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Kent State University
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State University
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
Pennsylvania State University University Park
Princeton University
University at Albany SUNY
University of Arizona
University of California Santa Cruz
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Houston
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
University of Missouri
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of South Carolina
University of Texas Austin
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin Madison
Vanderbilt University
Washington State University
West Virginia University
Yale University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Speakers on conflict and religion, nationalism and conflict, human rights, etc
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Siroky (Yes)
- New Datasets: New data on irredentism, New data on religion and conflict, New data and measures of ethnic heterogeneity
- Topics Studied: nationalist conflict; religion and conflict
- Methods: varied - statistical, computational, qualitative, formal
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Baylor University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: As part of the broader political science program, we invite speakers and public figures to campus.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Richard Jordan (Yes)
- Topics Studied: interstate conflict, formal models of war, wartime leadership, grand strategy
- Methods: formal modeling (game theory), qualitative case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, Individual
Brown University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Watson Institute Security Seminar Series; Costs of War project
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Jeff Colgan (Yes)
- New Datasets: Revolutions and Revolutionary Leaders Database
- Topics Studied: war, international order, resource curse, energy
- Methods: quantitative (statistical regressions), archival, personal interviews, historical analyses and interpretation
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
CUNY Graduate School and University Center
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Comparative/IR workshop series, plus speaker series on Latin America and the UN sometimes cover these issues.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Zachary Shirkey (Yes)
- Topics Studied: war duration, military intervention, terrorism
- Methods: case studies, statistical analysis
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Duke University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 7
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: We have a security, peace, and conflict field with an associated speaker series., Speaker series on American Grand Strategy, Institute on security studies shared with other universities in the area, Institute on Ethics, Development Lab with chance to work on program evaluation in war-affected countries.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Siegel (Yes), Kyle Beardsley (Yes)
- New Datasets: Collecting data on preferences for anti-state mobilization., International Crisis Behavior data
- Topics Studied: terrorism, insurgency, protest/dissent, repression, state interventions, mediation, peacekeeping, social effects of conflict, international hierarchy, nuclear weapons
- Methods: game theory, behavioral formal theory, computational models, network analysis, machine learning, bayesian approaches, quantitative study of large-n data sets, lab-in-the-field experiments
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual, International, National, Sub-national
George Washington University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Security Policy Workshop
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Yonatan Lupu (Yes)
- Topics Studied: human rights; civil conflict
- Methods: quantitative, formal, case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Harvard University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 1
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Political violence workshop
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Joshua Kertzer (Yes)
- Topics Studied: terrorism
- Methods: experimental; quantitative
- Levels of Analysis: National, Individual
Johns Hopkins University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 49
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 15
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Race, Immigration, and Citizenship
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Renee Marlin-Bennett (Yes)
- Topics Studied: cyber conflict, politics of information and information technologies (which is relevant to conflict and peace)
- Methods: qualitative/interpretive
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Kent State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: School of Peace and Conflict Studies
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Landon Hancock (Yes)
- Topics Studied: identity, peacebuilding, zones of peace, ethnicity, nationalism, gender-conflict
- Methods: i typically use qualitative approaches including discourse analysis, interviews, focus groups, document analysis and other forms of narrative analysis. i have used quantitative methods in the past, but current work focuses on qualitative approaches.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: N/A
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Christopher Sullivan (Yes)
- New Datasets: Northern Ireland, Guatemala, policing
- Topics Studied: human rights, torture, policing, surveillance, repression and resistance
- Methods: did, econometrics, process tracing, sem
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national, Individual
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- US News & World Report Ranking: 9
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 13
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Security studies program; poverty, violence, and development working group.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Richard Nielsen (Yes)
- New Datasets: Biographies of jihadists; web traffic from jihadist websites
- Topics Studied: terrorism; religion and violence; human rights; civil war
- Methods: statistical text analysis; machine learning; statistics; participant observation; digital ethnography; case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Michigan State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 29
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: the department hosts a speaker series on conflict (Workshop on Conflict) and we will be hosting a mid-west region peace and conflict conference in the spring. There is also a broader conflict and terrorism collaboration across the university.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Jakana Thomas (No)
- New Datasets: terrorist group social media data, data on women in conflict, data on rebel-government concessions and demands,
- Topics Studied: terrorism, gender and conflict, rebel demands, civil war
- Methods: mostly large-n analysis with some qualitative analysis
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national
Northern Illinois University
- US News & World Report Ranking: NA
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication, Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Center for Burma Studies
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ches Thurber (Yes)
- New Datasets: Security Force Ethnicity Project, Ethnic Groups in Contention, Ideologies of Resistance Movements
- Topics Studied: civil resistance, civil war, ethnic conflict, civil-military relations
- Methods: qualitative case-studies, quantitative cross-national
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
Northwestern University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 23
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for Forced Migration Studies, War and Society Speaker Series, War & Society Working Group, Program of African Studies -- Conflict in Africa working group, Buffett Institute -- Global Partnership: Violence & the State in Africa
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ana Arjona (Yes), William Reno (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on the armed conflict in Colombia and on the legacies of war in Colombia, Officers of African militaries who have received foreign military training in the US & subsequent career trajectories
- Topics Studied: rebel governance, criminal governance, violence, legacies of civil war, post-conflict dynamics, civil wars, civil-military relations, state collapse, foreign military assistance
- Methods: mixed methods, quantitative methods, qualitative methods, field research - interviews and focus groups
data collection from open-source documents & government records - Levels of Analysis: Sub-national, Individual, National
Pennsylvania State University University Park
- US News & World Report Ranking: 33
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Speaker series on conflict and human rights, environmental security, human trafficking, police, terrorism, nuclear weapons
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): James Piazza (Yes), Scott Gartner (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on narcotics and conflict, Data on ethnic diasporas and conflict, Data on ISIS / global Salafi organizations, data sets involving wartime casualties and politics. Bercovitch conflict mediation data.
- Topics Studied: terrorism, counterterrorism, political violence, assessment, war and politics, international mediation, terrorism/counter-terrorism, torture
- Methods: quantitative analysis, cross-national time series, quantitative microstudies, survival analysis, count modeling, public opinion, a variety of multivariate statistical methods, experiments, social network analysis, game theory, math modeling.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual, National, Sub-national
Princeton University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 3
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 20
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: International Relations Colloquium
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Topics Studied: east asian international relations, taiwan straits, reasons for nuclear proliferation in korea...
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
- US News & World Report Ranking: 45
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 1
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: None that I know of.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Roy Licklider (No)
- New Datasets: Collective memories of civil wars
- Topics Studied: civil war termination; arms control; peacekeeping
- Methods: mostly comparative case studies. use others' data analyses.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University at Albany SUNY
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: The Project on Violent Conflict and the Project on International Security, Commerce, and Economic Statecraft at the Center for Policy Research
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Bryan Early (Yes)
- New Datasets: National Space and Ballistic Missile Data Set, National Cruise Missile Data Set
- Topics Studied: wmd terrorism, wmd security, and economic sanctions
- Methods: cross-sectional time-series analysis, events history analysis, policy analysis, and historical case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
University of Arizona
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Website on conflict and cooperation:, Speaker series on conflict.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Alex Braithwaite (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on refugee and IDP flows.
- Topics Studied: civil conflict, mids, protests, terrorism, refugees, diffusion
- Methods: linear regression; mle.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of California Santa Cruz
- US News & World Report Ranking: 89
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 1
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Comparative/international workshop, Legal politics lab
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Mark Fathi Massoud (Yes)
- Topics Studied: law, religion, peacebuilding, human rights, international law
- Methods: empirical methods including field research, ethnography, qualitative interviews, and archival research
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Cincinnati
- US News & World Report Ranking: 96
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: cybersecurity/ cyber conflict. War and Security, int'l conflict int'l institutions in conflict.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ivan D Ivanov (Yes)
- New Datasets: fqCA data set on Int'l Organizations in International Conflict.
- Topics Studied: organizational behavior in conflict and post-conflict settings.
- Methods: fqca, case studies, regression, time series.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National
University of Colorado Boulder
- US News & World Report Ranking: 40
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace and Conflict Studies center
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Lorraine Bayard de Volo (Yes)
- Topics Studied: gender, sexual assault, guerrilla warfare, drones, mobilizing popular support for war, latin america, cuba
- Methods: interpretive, ethnography, archival, discourse analysis
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Connecticut
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Human Rights Institute
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Evan Perkoski (Yes)
- New Datasets: Timing of Coups, Rebel Collapse
- Topics Studied: popular uprisings, intrastate conflict, insurgency
- Methods: quantitative methods, observable data
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Delaware
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: There are speakers on human rights, Conflict, Mediation, International Security, None
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Isa Haskologlu (Yes), Stuart Kaufman (Yes)
- New Datasets: Third party involvement in ethnic conflicts,
- Topics Studied: third parties and gatekeepers in ethnic peace process, spoiler problem of third parties, mediation, negotiation, peace building, civil war, ethnic conflict, causes of war
- Methods: hypothesis testing and regression analysis, comparative case studies (qualitative), quantitative analysis of survey research data
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Georgia
- US News & World Report Ranking: 45
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 13
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: The Center for the Study of Global Issues (Globis), Center for International Trade and Security (CITS), Georgia Area Human Rights Network (GAHRNet) workshops every semester, rotating between UGA, Emory, and GSU and including faculty from institutions in surrounding states
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): K. Chad Clay (Yes)
- New Datasets: Human Rights Data, including data for the following projects: Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI), Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project (SNARP), Worker's Rights in Law & Practice (WorkR) Data Project
- Topics Studied: human rights, repression, dissent, protest, civil conflict
- Methods: i primarily use quantitative approaches utilizing cross-national or survey data. most of my work uses observational data, although i am currently increasing my use of experimental data through survey and educational experiments. further, our department has several faculty members that utilize other quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Houston
- US News & World Report Ranking: 51
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: At this time, we have none.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Tyson Chatagnier (Yes)
- Topics Studied: trade and war, civil war, economics and conflict, military veterans, battlefield outcomes
- Methods: mostly statistical analysis on observational data. some formal work. occasional case studies.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Kansas
- US News & World Report Ranking: 65
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace Studies Program at University
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Don Haider-Markel (Yes)
- Topics Studied: political extremism, terrorism, mass shootings
- Methods: quantitative and experimental
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Kentucky
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace Studies program (minor)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Dan Morey (Yes)
- New Datasets: Post-war occupations and post-war peace settlements - specifically aimed at coalitions
- Topics Studied: rivalry, military coalitions, military security contractors
- Methods: empirical models, formal models, case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, National
University of Massachusetts Amherst
- US News & World Report Ranking: 56
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Psychology of Peace and Violence program; National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution; Conflict, Violence and Security working group in Political Science
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Lauren McCarthy (Yes)
- Topics Studied: policing, human trafficking
- Methods: mostly qualitative, usually interviews.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
- US News & World Report Ranking: 4
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 10
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: conflict and peace initiative, conflict and peace/research and development, workshop on social movements, the donia human rights center
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Christian Davenport (Yes)
- New Datasets: dyadic repression, repression spells, disappearing black communities, black nationalist protest activities, indian untouchability, indian contention, rwandan political violence, northern ireland political conflict,
- Topics Studied: genocide, civil war, repression/human rights violation, protest policing, untouchability, lynching, racism
- Methods: pooled cross-sectional time series, multinomial logit, duration analysis, hermeneutics, case studies,
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Missouri
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace Studies
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Bryce Reeder (Yes)
- New Datasets: Rebel location and movement
- Topics Studied: civil war, rebel organizations, conflict management, peacekeeping
- Methods: quantitative, gis
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- US News & World Report Ranking: 11
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: IR Brownbag Series; Curriculum in Peace, War, and Defense; Conflict Management minor, TISS New Faces Conference, International Relations Brown Bag Speaker Series, TIES Database, Human Rights Policy Lab (Law School), Peace, War, and Defense Undergraduate Curriculum
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Stephen Gent (Yes), Mark Crescenzi (Yes)
- Topics Studied: conflict management, mediation, intervention, conflict environments, conflict dynamics, reputation and war, democratic backsliding and conflict, gender and conflict management
- Methods: large-n quantitative analysis, formal models, process tracing, i use a multi-method portfolio to match the substantive puzzle at hand. quantitative methods include maximum likelihood estimation techniques. other methods include but are not limited to qualitative historical research, survey experiments, vector auto-regression, time series, and bayesian item response theory.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
University of North Texas
- US News & World Report Ranking: 56
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7.5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Peace Studies undergraduate program, Castleberry Peace institute (including workshop series and external speakers), NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates summer program., Castleberry Peace Institute.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Paul Hensel (Yes), Diego Esparza (Yes)
- New Datasets: Issue Correlates of War (ICOW) data on territorial claims, river claims, and identity claims, Colombian civil-war datasets, peacekeeping dataset, and police abuse datasets.
- Topics Studied: interstate conflict, conflict management, territorial claims, river disputes, ethnic disputes, peacekeeping, crime and violence, civil-war, police reform in post-conflict settings, and civil-military reforms.
- Methods: quantitative analysis, case studies, qualitative field research and multivariate regression analysis.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
University of Notre Dame
- US News & World Report Ranking: 37
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 25
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights, Keough School of Global Affairs, Notre Dame International Security Center
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Ernesto Verdeja (Yes)
- New Datasets: dataset on triggering events of mass atrocities.
- Topics Studied: genocide, mass atrocities, atrocity prevention
- Methods: qualitative, comparative case study. also work with quantitative scholars for larger n work.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
University of South Carolina
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 5
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: no specific program for conflict, but all of the IR scholars and some comparative scholars focus on Economics and Conflict and we meet weekly with graduate students and faculty for more general discussions about IR/CP, n/a, aside from the possibility of a conflict-oriented focus in our degree programs, and the common focus on conflict during our CP/IR brownbag series.
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Katherine Barbieri (Yes), Tim Peterson (Yes)
- New Datasets: Trade data, U.S. military's Money as a Weapons System program spending
- Topics Studied: war economies, political economy of conflict, trade and conflict, economic incentives in war, armed conflict, human rights
Methods: quantitative and historical research, theory building, and testing primarily with large-n statistical analysis - Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
University of Texas Austin
- US News & World Report Ranking: 72
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 7
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center on Conflict Studies
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Paul F. Diehl (Yes)
- New Datasets: Peace Scale Data Sets, Conflict Events Data Set, Territorial Change Data
- Topics Studied: war, peacekeeping, territorial disputes, international law, conflict management
- Methods: quantitative, case studies
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national
University of Washington
- US News & World Report Ranking: 33
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Center for Human Rights, International Security Colloquium
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Geoffrey Wallace (Yes)
- New Datasets: Violence against the media, Survey evidence on attitudes toward law and violence
- Topics Studied: political violence, wartime conduct, international law, international organizations
- Methods: quantitative, experimental, comparative case study.
- Levels of Analysis: National,Individual
University of Wisconsin Madison
- US News & World Report Ranking: 15
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 6
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Human rights speaker series, international relations colloquium , Speaker series, Weekly IR workshop with outside and internal speakers covering all areas of conflict and peace research., International Relations Colloquium, There is a campus-wide Human Rights Program
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Nadav Shelef (Yes), Jonathan Renshon (Yes), Jessica Weeks (Yes), Andrew Kydd (Yes), Scott Straus (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on the geographical scope of homeland claims and conflict for every case of lost homeland territory since WWII, experimental datasets of leader decisions, I collect a lot of survey data on individual-level attitudes about peace and conflict., ,
- Topics Studied: nationalism, territorial conflict, conflict resolution, middle east, war, conflict, status, decision-making, international war, authoritarian foreign policy, public opinion, alliances, foreign election interference, war, civil war, atrocities, terrorism, extremism, genocide, mass violence, civil war, human rights
- Methods: both qualitative (archival, etc.) for case studies, large-n statistical analysis, and survey experiments. , qualitative, large-n, experimental, large-n, experimental, and some qualitative research, rational choice, game theory, qualitative historical comparison, interviews, survey research, cross-national statistics, conceptual analysis
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national, Individual, International
Vanderbilt University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 24
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 8
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Conflict Workshop featuring internal and visiting speakers researching conflict, Conferences on formal theory and conflict., Weekly conflict workshop (internal and external speakers), Our department holds a weekly conflict workshop, We have a speaker series on conflict, Program in Political Economy of Conflict, Conflict Workshop and Speaker Series
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Andrew Coe (Yes), Emily Hencken Ritter (Yes), Brenton Kenkel (Yes), Bradley Smith (Yes), Peter Schram (Yes), Brett Benson (Yes)
- New Datasets: Data on the evolution and character of interactions over nuclear proliferation, , Data on timing of changes in formal diplomatic status, I have an ongoing data collection project on the determinants of state nuclear technological proficiency. The dataset is called nu-CLEAR, Military alliance content data, small arms and light weapons trade network and civil war data, Taiwan white terror and land reform data
- Topics Studied: politics of nuclear weapons, economic causes and consequences of war, bargaining theory of war, human rights, repression, dissent, civil war, migrants, refugees, international law, political economy of conflict, diplomacy, communication, alliances, diplomacy, nuclear proliferation, intrastate conflict, gray zone conflict, military alliances, nuclear weapons, small arms trade networks, arms trade and civil war violence, trade and conflict, taiwan strait, east asian security
- Methods: game theory, case studies, medium-n analysis, calibration, game theory, statistical analysis, survey experiments, game theory, structural estimation of formal models, machine learning, formal theory, statistical analysis, game theory, case studies, statistical analysis, formal theory, statistical estimation, causal inference, survey analysis
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
Washington State University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 81
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 3
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: none
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Anthony C. Lopez (Yes)
- Topics Studied: evolution of war, offense-defense theory, hatred and revenge, leader manipulation, warfare as collective action, sex differences in aggression,
- Methods: experimental methods; survey-based methods; large-n quantitative analysis; psychometrics.
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual
West Virginia University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 96
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 4
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: (Nothing specific; we have an occasional speaker series, and sometimes that speaker deals with conflict/peace-related topics. We have no dedicated programs on this topic.)
- Workshop or Speaker Series: No
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: 0
- Faculty (Currently Advising): David Hauser (No)
- Topics Studied: civil-military affairs, defense policy, intelligence policy, interstate conflict
- Levels of Analysis: National, Sub-national
Yale University
- US News & World Report Ranking: 4
- Conflict/Peace-Related Faculty: 2
- Programs on Conflict/Peace-Related Topics: Political Violence FieldLab, Political Vioence and its Legacies workshop
- Workshop or Speaker Series: Yes
- Creating New Conflict/Peace-Related Datasets: Yes
- Faculty (Currently Advising): Jason Lyall (Yes)
- New Datasets: Project Mars, Subnational airstrike data
- Topics Studied: civil war, civilian casualties, counterinsurgency
- Methods: experiments (field, survey, natural), archival, interviews/focus groups, cross national regression
- Levels of Analysis: International, National, Sub-national, Individual